Thai Massage Tulum
Ayurvedic treatment available at Amansala Resort & Spa
Also known as Thai Yoga, Thai Massgae is a therapy combining acupuncture and Ayurvedic principles which activates 'SEN', known for the pathways for Prana flow.
'Prana' is the Sanskrit word for 'vital energy'. This treatment is designed to balance the body's energy
60 Minutes / $125 USD
Ready for a powerful massage therapy and to activate you life force Prana? You can book this treatment directly through our live chat right here on our Website.
Thai Massage available at Amansala Resort & Spa
More Massage Treatments available at Amansala:
Deep Tissue Massage Tulum
A deep tissue massage helps you reach more profound depths of relaxation, bring awareness to the body, and create a harmonious flow and balance in the body.
Mayan Healing Massage Tulum
This traditional mayan healing massage uses ancestral techniques to heal misalignment, congestions and low vibrational frequencies.
Crystal Healing Massage Tulum
Crystals have powerful healing energy due to their vibration frequencies. They help us release negative energy, rebalance our chakras, and reset the electrical currents and energy flow in our bodies.
Prenatal Massage Tulum
Gentle strokes are applied to encourage the lymphatic system in eliminating toxins. Which helps with relieving stress, swelling and pain naturally, preparing you and your baby for birth.
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